Thursday, November 05, 2009

some basic historical research questions--feel free to add on to as we read

-What role and purpose does history serve in rhetorical studies? In composition studies?
--From your perspective, what has been the primary benefit of historical research in our field?
--What are the major methods and methodologies for conducting historical research? Archival research for instance? Social histories? Feminist histories?
--How do such methods vary based on what kind of history one is writing?
-- In what ways do historians have to confront the challenge of historiography—the writing of history?
--What role does ethics and affect play in historical research?
--What are some of the common biases or problems historical researchers have to constantly battle?
--Some argue that all research is historical in one way or another--how is your work historical?


Rachael said...

I think "what counts as historical" to some degree depends on what the historian/writer's purpose is. "The history of" a thing seems to encompass all the way up to the immediate present. I tend to think of history as older and stuffier, tho my prejudice is beginning to erode- not without influence from Burton herself.

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